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Passionate about SPSS (Statistical package for Social Sciences)

I’m passionate about many things, some more ‘boring’ than others, but the other day I realized how excited I can get with challenging tasks, even when they are seen as ‘boring’ by others.
When a student looked at me with a very amused expression and said something along the lines of: “Uau! You do get excited by this!” when I was explaining statistical analysis using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) I realized that I’m very lucky to be able to work in such diverse fields as I do, and I still get excited by all of them.
I love teaching, and I love learning, whether it’s English as a Foreign Language, Portuguese, Psychology, Statistical analysis,  or other Social Sciences. I even enjoy formatting boring tables and graphs, and love to explain what statistical results convey out there in the “real world”!

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